Journaling,  Lifestyle

3 Simple Steps to Overcoming Limiting Beliefs

Overcoming Limiting Beliefs

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There is always something holding us back from accomplishing our dreams. What if I told you that road block is you… your mind, your beliefs. I am about to dive into the science behind limiting beliefs and how you can overcome them with 3 simple steps.

Firstly, What is a Limiting Belief?

A limiting belief is something that we tell ourselves, whether that be consciously or subconsciously. This story we tell ourselves constrains us from what we are truly capable of.

Often manifesting in the following phrases:

I’m not…

I can’t…

I won’t…

It’s because of…

If only it weren’t for…

When you start to draw awareness to these phrases, you will then start to notice all of the ways that you are limiting yourself.

When you tell yourself these things, the same way you tell yourself a stop sign is red. Your mind interprets this to be truth.

To put it simply, if you are constantly telling yourself you are not enough; your mind will notice all the moments when you fall short. In fact, your brain is wired to ignore what you have deemed to be false. So in the event you are telling yourself you are not enough, the moments when you are, you’re bound to ignore.

The Science Behind Limiting Beliefs

Our brains have what is called the reticular activating system (RAS). It’s job, put simply, is to process information. With our brains limited ability to process all that is happening around us, it filters information based on what you deem to be true, relevant, or important.

The charming Jodie Rogers, with a background in Psychology and Interpersonal Communications, gives a great TEDx Talk on the science behind the stories we tell ourselves, with real life examples on how to rewrite that story.

So.. What Does This Mean?

Your RAS actually filters out information that you have thought to be false. Drawing attention only to that which you find relevant or of truth.

It is normal to be drawn to all the negative thoughts and feelings that we have, as our brain is pre-programmed to focus on the potentially harming things we face.

If you learn to shift your focus; your RAS will re-calibrate to draw in new pertinent information. Allowing you to shift your perspective; and often your entire outlook on life.

It is much easier said than done, I know that! Rewiring your brain to not put focus on what we have believed to be true for so long can be an uphill battle. But just as we exercise our bodies, we need to exercise our mind and it’s circuitry.

I am here to tell you it is possible. Regardless if it feels like an uphill battle… you ARE strong enough to it take on!

The first time I noticed a limiting belief of mine and begun the work on overcoming it, I was changed – not to sound cheesy or anything.. But in all reality it changed my life. If you have gotten to know my story at all, you will know that I was incredibly sick for a long time, with no sight on recovery. During this incredibly daunting time I found myself constantly repeating to myself “I am not okay.” Four simply words that reinstated what I was feeling, which in turn put all my focus on just that.. not how to change it, or overcome it.

When I became aware of my limiting beliefs and started to consciously make a change… the results inspired me! They continue to do so every day. I changed one word in the mantra I would tell myself, and with that one word gone, my life changed.

Instead of repeating “I am not okay.” I begun to tell myself “I am okay.” My mind then started to notice the small elements of improvement in my physical wellbeing. I found my focus was not constantly on my state of health.. that is was on recovery. My RAS put focus on what I wanted to achieve and how I could get there.

People often argue that I cannot give all the credit to simply changing my thought patterns. I stand with conviction and say that it is! As without the foundation of my thoughts and my beliefs.. I would not have pursued the daily practices I implemented to make a change.

Without that one thought, I would not have done any of the things that was required for my journey to recovery.

So What Steps Can You Take To Overcoming Your Limiting Beliefs?

Become Aware

If you do not know what your limiting beliefs are, quite frankly you cannot change them. Remember the phrase openers in the beginning of this post (I can’t, I’m not, etc.) and start drawing your awareness to what story you are telling yourself.

Then, we can begin to rewrite it!

Rewire Your Circuitry

Again, it is not always easy to shake old habits. But you firstly need to shake any limiting belief saying that you wont be able to do this. Because YOU CAN. With that belief you will.

In order to rewire your brain their are a few things you can do depending on the unique limiting belief you have.

  1. Words of affirmation are the best way to instill a new sense of confidence in yourself. Repeating “I am/can…[Insert ANYTHING here]” will rewire your brain to believe it and in turn re-calibrate your RAS to give you the supporting evidence that YES.. YOU ARE!
  2. Write it down! I am a firm believer in the benefits of writing things down. Take time to identify your ideal outcome and write this as a mantra and hold on dearly to that mantra. Write it in a journal, on sticky notes around your house or your place of work, you can also write a letter to your future self; or from your future self. In this letter reaffirm your desired outcome, give evidence on how you can/have achieved this.
  3. Meditate on it. Mantra’s were originally defined by Hinduism and Buddhism as a word, phrase or sound that was used to aid in concentration during meditation. Although, Mantra’s are now widely known as a statement or slogan repeated frequently to motivate and inspire you to be your best self. The beauty is; both these definitions go hand in hand. Meditate on your mantra, take some time to quite your mind of all else. Through focused breathing, a relaxed body and mind, use your mantra to serve you. Try an immerse yourself in the feelings of being or achieving your desired outcome.

Exercise Your Brain

As noted before, just like the muscles of our physical body we need to exercise the muscle in our head. Which is why mantra’s are great to give you something short, to the point that you can repeat to yourself over and over again.

Ways to Exercise a Mantra:

  • Set reminders in your phone. Getting a notification is a great way to remind yourself to redirect your focus. I often set multiple alarms throughout the day with a mantra, I then take a few moments to repeat to myself a handful of times.
  • Download a mantra app. There are dozens of apps specifically designed to give you prompts throughout your day with words of affirmations, find one that fits you.
  • Create a daily routine. Create a routine where you use words of affirmations or repeat your mantra(s). Whether it be in meditation, while on your daily commute, while brushing your teeth, you name it. Create a practice where you dedicate time to focusing on rewiring your limiting beliefs.
  • Write it down! I know we already covered this.. but I cannot stress the importance of writing things down. Creating a practice of routinely writing in a journal brings ample benefits including: relieving stress, greater mental clarity, enhancing memory, cultivating creativity, and many more!! When you take dedicated time to put thoughts on paper, you regain control.

Read more on the benefits of journaling

You control your thoughts, they do not control you!

The first step in over coming your limiting beliefs is believing you can.

I believe in you.

I’d love to hear about how overcoming your limiting beliefs is going, or what limiting beliefs you are really struggling with. Send me a message, DM me on socials.. I would love to hear from you.

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