

IΒ married a chef… so, it would beΒ RUDEΒ not to share with you our recipes and creations in the kitchen. If you know a little bit about me and my story, my journey to β€˜well-being’ was not an easy one. I feel ill, and ended up with more dietary restrictions than you can count.Β 

You canΒ read my story here.

Basically, I couldn’t eat anything. Or so I thought.. I got trapped in the pattern of the same 4 or 5 meals. My husband, Craig helped me along the way discovering more foods, and recipes that worked for me. It wasn’t until the luxury of being able to eat what I want was striped from me that IΒ trulyΒ realized the importance of our diets. What we put in our bodies undoubtedly impacts our output (energy, focus, mood, etc.)

"One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well."
- Virginia Woolf

I’m not a nutritionist, I’m not here to provide you with any recommendations on what you should and shouldn’t eat. I am simply here to share with you my journey in and out of the kitchen and what I discovered along the way.

I have a history of being known as a awful cook, but my husband, Craig Schultz is a damn good one  (pardon my language, but a girl has got brag..) With his help I can cook almost anything, and together we have put together these recipes that ANYONE can follow. Whether you’re like me and not that great in the kitchen.. or you’re a talented culinary professional; these recipes are designed with you in mind.

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Spaghetti Squash Rings

Only 4 ingredients.. and less than an hour cook time! A quick, delicious and healthy alternative.

Chickpea Curry

This flavourful chickpea curry recipe is vegan, vegetarian, gluten free, and dairy free! It is a quick, easy and filling dinner that will please the whole family.

chickpea curry
Roasted Chickpeas

Roasted Chickpeas

This delicious roasted chickpea recipe is a great alternative snack that can satisfy any craving for crisp and crunch!

Bone Broth

There are many ways to make bone broth, below you will find recipe cards for chicken, beef and pork variations.

Instant Pot Pulled Pork

I love my Instant Pot, plus I love Pulled Pork. This recipe is easy, quick, and undeniably delicious.

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