Lifestyle,  Yoga

These 5 Debunked Myths That Will Leave You CRAVING Yoga!

debunked yoga myths

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Have you said the words, our even entertained the thought of “I can’t do yoga.” I don’t know if I could count the times I have heard.. and admittedly thought, those four words. There are many reasons why people come to the conclusion that they cannot do yoga; here we will debunk the top 5 yoga myths!

Limiting beliefs, such as ‘I am not good enough,’ ‘strong enough,’ ‘flexible enough,’ etc. are simply put, limiting. When we routinely think and focus on something with enough emotion, eventually we believe these things, with conviction, to be true. We then, subconsciously, cater our actions to those thoughts.

When you learn to rewire your brain and dismiss limiting beliefs, you find the key to unlock complete control over your life and your genuine well-being.

You can read more about the science behind Limiting beliefs and how to shake them here

Here are some of the most common limiting beliefs that may be holding you back, and corroboration to prove that nothing can stop you!

Limiting Beliefs – Yoga Myths

I’m Not Flexible Enough…(YOGA MYTH)

You do not have to be flexible to do yoga. Wait what?! This may come as a surprise to you if all you have been privy to is professional photo’s on Instagram or Pinterst.. or by simply looking at those who have been practicing for years.

Newsflash! You do get flexible through regular yoga practice, but you do NOT need it to get started. Through the ancient teachings of yoga, more specifically Patañjali (a collection of 196 Indian sutras on the theory and practice of yoga) there is no indication to yoga being about flexibility. In fact according to Maharishi Patañjali, Yoga is the suppression of modifications of the mind.

Which brings us full circle to the fact that yoga is ultimately about overcoming limiting beliefs. Yoga also offers us the tools to discover a ‘wholeness‘ that exists in us all, as well as how to understand and let go of all of that which no longer serves us.

Richard Rosen wrote a great article for the Yoga Journal On Pantanjali.. you can read more about it here.

There is many misconceptions around yoga asana’s or the perfect yoga posture. But you and I both know that no two people are the same, so why would the perfect posture for my body, be identical for your body. Which is why yoga is full of variations and modifications. If you’re familiar with Adriene over at YWA, she says it best “Find What Feels Good!”

No two people will have experienced the same wear and tear through life on not only their mind, but their bodies. Our lifestyles, diets, injuries, you name it.. shape our individualistic needs!

Which leads me to the next series of limiting Beliefs.

I’m Not Fit Enough..

You do not need to be fit to thrive in yoga. Yoga has a variety of different practices, and modifications in and around the varying practices. There truly is a yoga practice for anyone and everyone.

My personal yoga journey started when I was incredibly ill, will little to no muscle mass.. I needed a way to get back on my feet. Through small bite sized practices embedded into my day to day I have been able to gain control over my physical, mental, and spiritual wellbeing.

That is what yoga is all about!

But don’t take it from me.. Listen to the 300 million people in the world who practice yoga for the purposes of getting fit, toned; finding peace, mental clarity; and connecting on a more spiritual level.

I’m Too Old..

There is no denying that as we age we tend to get slower and weaker, losing our elasticity, flexibility, and endurance; resulting in muscle loss and even bone loss.

Not only does the movement of yoga build and maintain muscle mass, but it also keeps our bones healthier for longer.

There are actually many studies out there that showcase the benefits yoga has on the aging mind and body.

You can read what Marlynn Wei M.D., J.D. wrote for Physiology Today on the topic here.

I Have An Old Injury That Inhibits Me From Doing Yoga..

Whether you have a bad back, wrist, knee, neck, elbow, or all of the above! There is modifications and poses that will work for you. The beauty of yoga being over 5,000 years old; is that the millions BILLIONS, of people who have practiced over the years have likely had a similar ailment. I have never experienced a yoga teacher or even fellow yogi who has been discouraged around having to work within a limitation or existing injury.


Because yoga is designed to heal, strengthen, and to evolve. If you allow your limitation to hold you back it will. There is no doubt about that. Of course, keeping in mind you do need to take extra care to ensure you don’t injure yourself further.

The right practice, with tender love and care, you can not only practice with injuries and limitations – you can heal!

I’m Too Fit – Yoga Doesn’t Give Me What I Need..

Although yoga is most commonly known as a low intensity work out, even a restorative yoga practice can aid in losing weight and gaining muscle. There are many yoga practices that are catered towards burning more calories to shed weight faster. I would encourage exploring Ashtanga, Vinyasa or Power Yoga. These practices are commonly 90 minutes; and have a proven cardiovascular benefits.

Aside from the practices catered to a higher intensity work out, a regular yoga practice helps you develop muscle tone and improves your metabolism. 

With all that in mind, yoga doesn’t only cater to our physical well-being. The proven psychological benefits of yoga often weighed higher in why people remain dedicated to practicing yoga.

I am so passionate about showcasing the benefits of yoga to EVERYONE, even those most resistant to the practice.

You can’t even use the excuse I’m not feeling ‘zen enough,’ for there is yoga for those who need to scream, swear, and even drink booze!

Look into Rage Yoga! I assure you, you wont be disappointed.

Don’t let these yoga myths, or any others hold you back. If you finished reading this and you still have something holding you back that I didn’t touch on, send me an email, DM on Instagram or Facebook, talk to me. I will make you a bet, I will find something that works for you.

Try me!

If you are thinking of, or struggling to implement yoga into your routine, read this post on implementing new habits with ease.

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